Rory Cooper


Rory Cooper is Director of Strategic Communications at The Heritage Foundation. In this position, Cooper coordinates the think tank’s external message and internal communications, manages its entire digital communications and social media portfolios, and develops new media partnerships. Cooper also serves as the executive editor for The Foundry, the conservative policy news blog at Heritage.

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Articles by Rory Cooper


Dear Mr. Liddy…

Today, the New York Times published the resignation letter of Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American International Group’s financial products unit.   In… Read More


British MEP Daniel Hannan

[youtube][/youtube]In a speech during Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s visit to the European Parliament on March 24, 2009, British Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan… Read More


That Pesky Reset Button

The media and pundits alike have skewered the Clinton State Department for giving Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a prop “reset button” when Secretary Clinton… Read More

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