Rory Cooper


Rory Cooper is Director of Strategic Communications at The Heritage Foundation. In this position, Cooper coordinates the think tank’s external message and internal communications, manages its entire digital communications and social media portfolios, and develops new media partnerships. Cooper also serves as the executive editor for The Foundry, the conservative policy news blog at Heritage.

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Articles by Rory Cooper


Jon Stewart: Socialism is Awesome

[youtube][/youtube] Last night’s agenda on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart was: Socialism is awesome! As more and more Americans worry about the growth of… Read More


Why is the President Smiling?

Shmuley Boteach asks some brilliant questions in his article today in the Jerusalem Post that examined President Obama’s handshake diplomacy, like: ALL THIS LEADS to one… Read More


It’s So Expensive Being Green

[youtube][/youtube] To celebrate Earth Day, here is Kermit the Frog singing his standard “It’s Not Easy Being Green.” Sing along with the updated 2009 lyrics below. It’s so… Read More

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