Josh Robbins

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Articles by Josh Robbins


House and Senate Cloakroom: August 1 – August 5, 2011

The White House and Congressional leaders announced yesterday that they had reached a deal to raise the debt ceiling and have released the details of that deal to the public. The major action in both the House of Representatives and the Senate this week will be the passage of the negotiated debt ceiling deal. Other action in the House this week include a hearing by the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures on “Energy Tax Policy and Tax Overhaul.”


House and Senate Cloakroom: July 18 – July 22

Next week will be a big week in the House for the fight over the debt ceiling increase. On Tuesday the House will vote on the cut, cap and balance plan that would reduce spending, enact a statutory spending cap and make an increase in the debt ceiling contingent on the passage of a balance budget amendment to the Constitution. On Friday the House will vote on that balance budget amendment. These will be major votes as the administration’s stated August 2nd deadline to raise the debt ceiling approaches.


House and Senate Cloakroom: July 11 – July 15, 2011

The House will begin its week on Monday by considering amendments to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill. They will then move to the Better Use of Light Bulbs Act, which will rescue incandescent light bulbs from a congressional ban on their production that will soon go into effect. One the table for the remainder of the week are a bill to reform the federal flood insurance program, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, the Financial Services Appropriations bill and potentially a reauthorization of the FAA.


House and Senate Cloakroom: June 27 – July 1

The Senate will convene Monday at 2:00pm; however, there will be no votes that day. On Tuesday This week, the Senate will begin debate on 3 more judicial nominations, James Michael Cole of the District of Columbia to be Deputy Attorney General, Virginia A. Seitz of the District of Columbia to be Assistant Attorney General and Lisa O. Monaco of the District of Columbia to be Assistant Attorney General.  The votes on these nominations will take place at noon. From there the Senate

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