James Carafano


James Jay Carafano is a defense and national security expert at The Heritage Foundation, where he currently is special counselor to the president, the E.W. Richardson fellow for international engagement, and chairman of the Combating Antisemitism Task Force. Read his research.

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Articles by James Carafano


Does Fareed Read?

How to handle Iran? Writing in The Washington Post, columnist Fareed Zakaria complains that “Krauthammer, the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and others denounce… Read More


Wiki Worries

Oops! In order to prevent leaks over the trial of alleged Wiki-leaker Bradley Manning, e-mail filtering for government prosecutors inadvertently screened out messages from the… Read More


A Day Without Twitter?

Reporters Without Borders notes that today is World Day Against Cyber-Censorship. For some time now, the organization has been highlighting cases of oppression and abuse… Read More

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