Brandon Stewart


As digital communications associate, Brandon Stewart blogs for The Foundry, assists with social media efforts, and produces a wide variety of videos.

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Articles by Brandon Stewart


In Their Own Words: Spending Our Way Out of the Recession

House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) was quoted in The Hill earlier this week discussing the country’s economic outlook. Despite the President’s recent efforts to talk about savings, Rep. Clyburn took a different tack, saying that “wouldn’t help alleviate the recession.” He added, “We’re not going to save our way out of this recession. We’ve got to spend our way out of this recession, and I think most economists know that.”


In the Green Room: Scott Brown Strategist Robert Willington

In the wake of the historic election of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, observers have expressed interest in the strategy behind his online campaign. Three members of the Scott Brown team visited The Heritage Foundation yesterday to talk about the campaign’s incredible success. Afterwards, we sat down with Robert, one of the chief architects of their web strategy.


Outside the Beltway: States Consider Prohibiting the Individual Mandate

According to the Associated Press, an increasing number of state legislatures have begun considering legislation that would prohibit the imposition of the individual mandate — a feature of both the current House and Senate bills. The individual mandate, an attempt to keep the costs of the reform package in line by forcing all citizens to purchase health insurance, has concerned many Americans and has led to a public backlash against the proposal.


What Next? PETA Proposes Robot Groundhog

Next week, Punxsutawney Phil will make his annual appearance to decide whether we will experience another six weeks of winter or whether spring has finally arrived. However, PETA has other plans — they have demanded that Phil be replaced this year with a robot. You got that right — a robot.


In the Green Room: Rep. Mike Pence Reflects on the State of Conservatism

After a presentation this afternoon at the weekly Bloggers Briefing held at The Heritage Foundation, Representative Mike Pence (R-IN) sat down with us for his first interview following today’s announcement that he will not challenge Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) for his seat in the U.S. Senate. In this exclusive interview, Pence discussed his future plans, the prospects for the conservative movement, and what he believes the President and Congress can do to spur growth in the economy.

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