Brandon Stewart

As digital communications associate, Brandon Stewart blogs for The Foundry, assists with social media efforts, and produces a wide variety of videos.

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Articles by Brandon Stewart

Health Care

Side Effects: Obamacare the Television Ad

Facing an American public that hates their new health care law, the Obama administration and their union/corporatist allies are planning a multi-million dollar television ad campaign to sell the benefits of Obamacare. While Food and Drug Administration regulations require all advertising for prescription drug to “present side effect information in a manner similar to that used for the benefit information,” the Obama administration faces no such hurdle when making their pitch. But if it did, this is what a typical pro-Obamacare ad would look like.

Health Care

New Video: What Obamacare Means For Americans

Ever since Sunday’s vote to pass health care reform, the media has focused on the reconciliation vote in the Senate, analysis of how passage affects Democrats political standing, President Obama’s poll numbers—anything other than how this new law will affect the American people. However, now that Obamacare is law, it’s more important than ever to remind ourselves about the true consequences of this massive legislation and the importance of repealing it.


In the Green Room: Economist Arthur Laffer Discusses America’s Financial Future

Yesterday, former Reagan administration economic adviser Arthur Laffer stopped by the Heritage Foundation for a lecture titled, “Return to Prosperity: How America Can Regain Its Economic Superpower Status”. Laffer popularized what has become to be known as the “Laffer Curve” which helped demonstrate that increased taxation can be counterproductive in the long-term as it leaves citizens with less resources and depresses economic growth.

After his speech, Laffer sat down for an “In the Green Room” segment where he discussed the roots of the financial crisis, how President Bush and Obama have mishandled the problem, and what to expect in 2010 and 2011.


In the Green Room: Professor Todd Zywicki on Proposed Financial Reforms

After the panel, Professor Zywicki, a Senior Scholar of the Mercatus Center and contributor to the popular legal blog The Volokh Conspiracy, sat down with us for an “In the Green Room” segment. We talked about the problems we face if Congress enacts the CFPA, the real causes behind our current financial crisis, and what principles should undergird real financial regulatory reform.

Health Care

Video: The Four-Minute Guide to the Seven-Hour Summit

Yesterday’s healthcare summit may well come to be seen as an important turning point in the healthcare debate. While the future of healthcare reform remains in doubt, the debate yesterday helped demonstrate to the American people the sharp differences in ideology that form the gap between liberal and conservative solutions to our current healthcare problems.

For those who did not watch all seven hours, we have compiled the day’s highlights in to one video.

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