A Round up of Op-eds from the Heritage Foundation
US: Why We are All Winners – Israel Ortega
Many of us who are first-generation Americans retain immediate connections to nations truly savaged by civil unrest, ethnic and class conflict and political violence. We don’t have to think too hard to think of places where “suffrage,” “elections” and even “democracy” are generally just catchy slogans[…]
Conservatism’s Death: Greatly Exaggerated – Ernest Istook
Liberal pundits such as the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne were quick to interpret the recent elections as “a definitive end to a conservative era.” A Google search for “death of conservatism” this week produced 57,900 hits. It’s the new common wisdom[…]
Exchange We Can Believe In – Stuart Butler
Most working Americans get health coverage as a tax-free benefit from their employer. The problem is that smaller employers don’t do this well — and many not at all — because it’s a hassle and they can’t get a good deal from the insurer[…]
China’s Cyber Spies – Peter Brookes
Beijing would love to know the inside skinny on how the candidates really feel about trade policies, human and religious rights and, of course, support for Taiwan, especially US weapons sales. China’s hacker army is also targeting American industry for espionage, especially the defense industry, where new weapons systems and top-of-the-line defense technology are at the center of the bull’s eye[…]
Ideal Free-Trade Candidate – Walter Lohman and Rupert Hammond-Chambers
The idea already has a critical mass of support on Capitol Hill. Resolutions calling for a U.S.-Taiwan FTA are introduced every Congress. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus is a consistent supporter and chief sponsor of the current Senate resolution. Companion legislation in the House has 43 co-sponsors[…]