In an exclusive one-on-one conversation Tuesday night with Sen. Ted Cruz in New York City, the presidential hopeful says if he becomes president of the United States, he’d be more than willing to compromise with the other side.
He says his attitude on compromising is the same as Ronald Reagan’s; that is, take half a loaf of bread and then come back for more. Heck, he says he’ll even compromise with Martians.
Cruz, R-Texas, may play well with a large part of the conservative base, but it’s the GOP establishment crowd that is not at all enamored with him. They think he’s full of rhetoric but lacks the knack for bipartisan solutions.
In the interview, Cruz also said that the mainstream media is playing “gotcha games” when it comes to how he likely will have to become an Obamacare customer despite despising the law.
Watch him discuss this Obamacare kerfuffle during our interview at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Times Square. His bottom line: “I have zero intention of taking a government subsidy or Obama subsidy.”
Videos courtesy of CBN News.
Editor’s note: The headline to this story has been changed.