Mitt Romney predicted tonight that if the Republicans retain the House and win the Senate, they will pass bills to fix the immigration system.

“They’ll probably have bills that are passed with regards to securing our border,” Romney told Fox News, speaking about a Republican-led Congress. “I hope they are also able to deal with those that want to come here legally to make the system more transparent so we know how people can get into the country legally.”

He added: “I think we’re going to find an effort to deal with those who are here illegally.”

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee pushed Republicans to take immigration reform seriously.

“We’ve really got to deal with this issue,” he said. “It’s so hard on the millions of people who don’t know what their status is and on the many more millions who want to come here and are waiting in line to come here legally.”

>>> ‘We’re Going to Get It Done,’ Romney Says of Immigration Action