Thanks for visiting The Daily Signal, where we provide the clarity you need on the issues that matter most. Established with the objective to deliver fair, accurate, and trustworthy journalism, we are committed to informing and engaging our audience through insightful reporting and thoughtful commentary.

Our Mission

We tell you the truth. Our goal is to deliver news and analysis that cuts through the noise, providing you with the facts and perspectives you need to make informed decisions.

The Daily Signal covers a wide range of topics including politics, policy, culture, and current events, always striving to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity. We tell these stories in formats that respect your time and intelligence.

Our History

Our roots date to 2008 when The Heritage Foundation first introduced the Morning Bell email newsletter and The Foundry blog. Upon launching The Daily Signal on June 3, 2014, we expanded our reach to serve millions of Americans who seek a truthful source of news and commentary about the political and policy issues facing America.

Today, The Daily Signal is an independent organization—legally separate from Heritage—with its own board of directors and leadership team. Our affiliate, The Daily Signal Institute, is financially supported through donations from our audience and generous grants from philanthropic organizations committed to quality journalism. Support our work.

What We Do

  • Original Reporting: Our team of experienced journalists and contributors work tirelessly to bring you comprehensive news stories and investigative reports that uncover the truth and hold those in power accountable.
  • Thoughtful Commentary: We feature a diverse range of voices and opinions, offering insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of our time.
  • Multimedia Content: From documentaries and podcasts to infographics and reels, we utilize various media formats to enhance your understanding and engagement with our content.
  • Email Newsletters: Stay informed with our daily news coverage, providing you with the latest developments and expert analysis. Subscribe to the Morning Bell, Capitol Bell, and our Top 5 newsletters.

Our Values

  • Integrity: We are committed to honesty and transparency in all our reporting and editorial processes.
  • Accuracy: We strive to ensure that every piece of content we produce is fact-checked and reliable.
  • Independence: Free from corporate or political influence, our journalism is guided solely by a commitment to the truth.
  • Engagement: We believe in the power of informed citizens and encourage active participation and dialogue among our readers.

Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team consists of seasoned journalists, editors, and analysts who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to The Daily Signal. Together, we work to produce content that is both informative and impactful. Learn more about them.


Want to keep up with the 24/7 news cycle? Sign up for our daily email newsletters to stay informed with news you can trust. We’ll start your day, Monday-Saturday, with the most important stories in Morning Bell. We also offer an afternoon update with Capitol Bell and a weekly Top 5 email. Subscribe today.

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Whether you have a news tip, a question, or just want to share your thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out. Visit our Contact page for more information on how to get in touch.


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