FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—The nonprofit that has been exposing radical gender ideology in California filed a lawsuit Monday against the public school district in Lynwood, California, for failing to comply with state law by providing requested documents about its “gender transition” plans for schoolchildren.

Lynwood Unified School District in Los Angeles County hasn’t responded to the Center for American Liberty’s repeated records requests, the organization says. According to the organization, this silence violates the California Public Records Act, which requires government entities to disclose records to the public upon request.

“This is a clear violation of state law,” Mark Trammell, executive director of the Center for American Liberty, said in a statement shared with The Daily Signal. The center is a nonprofit dedicated to litigating free speech and civil liberties issues. “LUSD’s refusal to respond to a public records request is not only illegal, it is part of a broader trend of schools across California keeping parents in the dark about what’s really happening in the classroom. Parents have a right to know, and Lynwood is not above the law.” 

The Center for American Liberty issued a public records request on July 23. It asked for information on district policies on maintaining and disclosing student records; information on so-called gender support plans, which school districts use to help children socially “transition” to another gender; and information on communications with outside organizations like Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union. 

Though state law requires the district to respond within 10 days, Lynwood Unified has supplied no documentation. 

The Center for American Liberty has exposed several California school districts for helping kids “transition” without their parents’ knowledge. 

For instance, the nonprofit exposed that Newport-Mesa Unified School District forced students to choose between rooming with a transgender-identifying student or missing out on an overnight school field trip, as The Daily Signal first reported.

The Center for American Liberty also filed a lawsuit against Burbank Unified School District for failing to fully comply with a public records request. The records the district did supply showed it uses Gender Spectrum’s model for a gender support plan, a document that establishes steps to hide a child’s new “gender identity” from his or her parents.

The document asks whether “guardians” are aware of the child’s gender status, ranks the level of their support, then asks: “If [the] support level is low, what considerations must be accounted for in implementing this plan?”

Capistrano Unified School District in California’s southern Orange County allows a student to change his or her name and gender in school records without parental permission, according to records obtained by the Center for American Liberty and shared with The Daily Signal.

The center believes Lynwood Unified may be hiding student gender transition plans and partnerships with organizations pushing gender ideology like with the other districts it has exposed. 

Lynwood Unified allows students to use facilities and participate in activities and sports in accordance with their chosen “gender identity,” meaning biological males can use girls’ bathrooms and compete against girls in sports. 

Lynwood Unified School District did not respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment by time of publication.

The widespread disregard for parental rights in California, the center argues, follows the example of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who on July 15, signed legislation known as Assembly Bill 1955 that allows public schools to hide a student’s gender identity from his or her parents.

AB 1955 overrules any local school board policies that require transparency with parents about their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Gov. Newsom is pushing parents’ rights out of the picture,” Center for American Liberty founder Harmeet Dhillon said.