The United Methodist Church’s pro-LGBTQ stance might foreshadow a similar future for the Southern Baptist Convention unless Baptists firmly oppose left-wing influences, says William Wolfe, founder and executive director of the Center for Baptist Leadership.

“I want to side with God’s Word against the world and not with the world against God’s Word,” Wolfe told The Daily Signal.

Wolfe’s Center for Baptist Leadership seeks to cultivate “courageous, biblical, and uncompromising Baptist leadership to secure institutional revitalization” in the Southern Baptist Convention.

“One of the main needs that [the Center for Baptist Leadership] seeks to fill is to ensure that the Southern Baptist Convention, as the largest Protestant denomination in America, does not become liberal, go woke, become subverted and infiltrated by the progressives, which is happening all across so many institutions in America right now,” Wolfe said.

Wolfe joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss women in church leadership, the new Baptist position on in vitro fertilization, left-wing donations to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (the public policy arm of the SBC), and holding fast to Biblical principles unpopular in today’s cultural.

“Once you start compromising with the Cultural Revolution, [and] the Sexual Revolution, you’re just going to lose the Gospel,” Wolfe said. “You’re going to lose the Creation order.”

“[If] you won’t hold the line on being homosexual-affirming, if you won’t hold the line against transgenderism and preferred pronouns, then essentially you just look like the world on these issues,” he said.

Listen to “The Daily Signal Podcast” below: