The long nightmare of President Joe Biden’s devastating four years in office is finally over, but the work is just beginning. In order to achieve real change, the incoming administration needs to understand just how rotten things in Washington, D.C., have become.
What made Biden’s presidency a nightmare? After all, didn’t Good Old Joe from Scranton run on a platform of restoring normalcy?
Yet the devastation is all around us. Fentanyl, which pours across our open southern border, has killed millions. Rising prices have made it harder for moms and dads to put food on their children’s tables. Disaster after disaster strikes, and rather than doing the hard work of managing forests or helping Americans rebuild, Democratic leaders callously tie it all to climate change, scapegoating the very fossil fuels that have proven the best tools to improve our lives.
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Biden’s presidency was supposed to restore the country. The president proudly declared that America was “back” on the world stage.
Yet after the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan—a disaster of epic proportions that left millions in deadly weapons in the hands of terrorists—Russia invaded Ukraine. After Biden loosened sanctions on Iran—the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism—Iranian-funded Hamas carried out a pogrom in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, worse than anything since the Holocaust.
America wasn’t “back” when Biden took office, the woke elites were.
My new book, “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government,” (published Tuesday) explains how the ideology of the far Left entrenched itself in the federal bureaucracy under Biden and why it will be extremely difficult for President Donald Trump to uproot it.
Life in America has gotten worse because the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C., kowtowed to the priorities of woke elites rather than focusing on the issues Americans truly care about. Biden celebrated drag queens at the White House, pushed “racial justice,” and directed billions in funding to climate activists while Americans struggled with inflation, crime, and the sense that things are falling apart at the border and across the world.
None of this is an accident. In fact, Biden revealed his hand when he awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom—the highest civilian honor—to George Soros, the man who launched and helped fund the soft-on-crime “rogue prosecutor” movement. Due to Soros’ advocacy, prosecutors across the country routinely ignore certain crimes, enabling lawlessness. Yet, Biden considered Soros an American hero because of his “philanthropy” to “strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice.”
As with so many leftist platitudes, these terms mask the true nature of what Soros does with his money—and it is extremely charitable (if not downright mendacious) to call his efforts to transform society a form of “philanthropy.”
George Soros founded the Open Society Foundations, and its money fuels the broader engine of woke activist groups that advised the administrative state under Biden.
These activists support a constellation of liberal issues that I summarize with the term “woke,” from critical race theory (the notion that America is systemically racist in favor of whites and against blacks, a notion driving efforts for “diversity, equity, and inclusion”), to gender ideology (the notion that an internal sense of “gender identity” overrides biological sex), to climate alarmism (the belief that human burning of fossil fuels is destroying the earth), to a preference for technocratic government by experts rather than by elected representatives.
It is the height of hypocrisy when the Left screams about “democracy,” all the while supporting a bureaucratic apparatus that intentionally insulates the Mandarins who actually write the rules Americans must live by, protecting them from the people’s elected representatives.
Yet this preference for experts to call the shots—even after the public health experts repeatedly lied and attempted to silence debate during the COVID-19 pandemic—forms a centerpiece of the comprehensive worldview of woke activists. It explains why former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe would say, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
This ideology is deeply rooted in America’s elite institutions, from academia to Hollywood to corporate boardrooms. It reared its ugly head most strongly after the death of George Floyd in police custody in 2020, when the legacy media ignored or covered for Antifa riots, parents watched teachers pushing CRT on kids, and companies rushed to release diversity, equity, and inclusion statements.
Thankfully, this ideology is in retreat after Trump’s victory in November, but its roots have sunk deep.
“The Woketopus” exposes the woke activist groups that infiltrate and brainwash the federal government, getting their agenda enshrined in regulations while often circumventing Congress and the people’s elected president.
My book reveals how woke activists urged the Biden administration to transform the Department of Homeland Security into a welcome mat for illegal aliens. It exposes how climate alarmist groups use a “sue and settle” strategy to collude with woke bureaucrats and crack down on oil and gas. It pulls back the curtain on the Human Rights Campaign—which forces gender ideology on companies through its “Corporate Equality Index”—which got most of its agenda enshrined in regulations under Biden’s tenure. It reveals the astonishing access that the Southern Poverty Law Center—a thoroughly discredited smear factory—had in the federal government under “Scranton Joe.”
“The Woketopus” reveals the infrastructure of the Left and provides a tool for the new administration to find which bureaucrats are likely to oppose Trump’s agenda from within.
A recent RMG Research poll found that 64% of Washington, D.C., federal bureaucrats who voted for Kamala Harris said they would refuse to follow a lawful order from Trump if they considered the order bad policy. This is the deep state in a nutshell, and my book shows how the Left got itself entrenched in the bureaucracy. “The Woketopus” is a powerful tool to help combat this nefarious influence campaign.
As Biden leaves office, many of the top bureaucrats pushing his agenda are finding their homes in the woke activist groups that make up the Woketopus. Others will entrench, however, seeking to continue the woke Biden policies that made life worse for Americans these past four years.
That’s why Congress must work with Trump to restrain the deep state. My book recommends some key legislative changes to hobble the deep state and make the bureaucracy more accountable to the American people.
Finally, while Trump will achieve a great deal, the Woketopus is working to oppose him from within and without—and it’ll be gearing up to seize control once again if its preferred candidate wins in 2028. The Biden malaise may be lifting now, but if the Woketopus has its way, these rotten policies will return in four years.
“The Woketopus” is essential reading for those who want to prevent that possibility.