President Joe Biden—who recently invoked commitments to a global governance organization as justification to foist abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda on the developing world—has done “more damage to Christianity than anyone but the Devil,” a critic of the new policy tells The Washington Stand.
The Biden administration has often promoted abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda by citing international commitments to provide “sexual and reproductive health,” although no international treaty covers either concept. Biden recently took yet another step toward redefining that term this month, promoting abortion, the LGBTQ+ community, and taxpayer-funded contraception as he marked the 30th anniversary of a controversial United Nations conference on population.
Biden celebrated the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo by announcing two new taxpayer-funded, “equity”-focused programs to expand the sexual revolution at home and abroad.
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The U.S. Agency for International Development “commits to supporting family-planning progress in West Africa through an expected $86.5 million [in grants],” which the administration says is a $15.5 million increase over last year.
At home, the Biden administration unveiled the Accelerating Choice, Equity, and Sustainability for Services (ACCESS) program, providing $1.2 million to address “persistent barriers to access, equity, and quality of family planning and reproductive health care, particularly with and for adolescents and youth, persons with disabilities, indigenous persons, migrants, and members of other underserved and underrepresented groups, such as LGBTQI+ persons.” Many members of these groups share “intersecting identities,” note numerous grant announcements for the ACCESS program.
“The Biden administration poses a serious threat to Christian values everywhere,” Brian Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International, told The Washington Stand. “This is not just a matter of opinion; it is plain to see.”
Biden knows that the culture of death cannot triumph without destroying its greatest resistance, which consists of faith and family. So, he aggressively promotes everything that would weaken and corrupt both of these institutions—population-suppression programs, coercion to reduce family size, abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism among others.
The statement attempts to slip abortion under the cover of international agreements in the statement on Biden’s “commitment to Implementing the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Consensus.” The document attempts to demonstrate how “President Biden and Vice President Harris have resolutely supported sexual and reproductive health and rights” by citing the 2021 Presidential Memorandum on Protecting Women’s Health at Home and Abroad—the executive order that reversed the Mexico City policy that protects U.S. taxpayers from paying for abortion promotion overseas.
The ICPD document produced in Cairo specifically states, “Governments should take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion, which in no case should be promoted as a method of family planning.” Although “a number of nations specifically attached statements making it clear that abortion was not covered by this term,” since Cairo, the term “has somehow morphed to include abortion,” said a Family Research Council report on the topic.
A tangled triumvirate of Democratic officials, global bureaucrats, and abortion lobbyists have worked together to ignore the global consensus that sexual and reproductive health consciously excludes abortion.
“Political leaders at all levels must champion sexual health as part of sexual and reproductive health to counteract conservative opposition,” instructed a bulletin from World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus on “Advancing the ‘sexual’ in sexual and reproductive health and rights” released on New Year’s Day. “Policymakers must enact progressive laws and … repeal laws that criminalize homosexuality, sex work, and HIV transmission.”
Enacting these policies, all of which the Bible condemns as immoral, “is a moral obligation,” wrote Ghebreyesus.
Last month, WHO released an 83-page report on adolescent health, “Working for a Brighter, Healthier Future,” praising those who helped “meet the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents during the COVID-19 crisis” by carrying out abortions. Yet another WHO document, from 2021, stated that governments should have “a legal presumption that adolescents are competent to seek and have access to … sexual and reproductive health commodities and services” without “third-party” parental consent or notification.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals commit all signatories to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning” by 2030.
At the Group of Seven summit two weeks ago, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni thwarted the Biden administration’s attempt to include abortion in the group’s statement. Last year’s statement declared, “We reaffirm our full commitment to achieving comprehensive SRHR [Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights] for all, including by addressing access to safe and legal abortion and post-abortion care.”
“We are committed to supporting sexual and reproductive health services,” said the latest Biden administration announcement, posted on June 14. “Advancing and protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights is fundamental to achieving gender equity and equality and promoting the human rights of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ persons, particularly those who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.”
The Biden administration has aggressively pushed these concepts—which some have called a form of cultural colonialism—“even in regions where these practices are offensive to the population,” Clowes said. The new foreign grant will target members of the Ouagadougou Partnership, a region comprising nine French-speaking West African nations: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.
The entire region adheres to traditional morality based on the strong religious influences dominating the region.
- Benin is 52% Christian, and 26% of its citizens are Roman Catholic.
- Togo is 42% Christian (25% Catholic).
- Cote d’Ivoire is 39% Christian (17% Catholic).
- Burkina Faso is predominantly Muslim, albeit with a meaningful Christian minority (26% of the population; 20% of citizens are Catholic).
- Guinea has a large Muslim majority with 8% of the population embracing Christianity.
- Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal are overwhelmingly Muslim.
Roman Catholicism categorically teaches that both contraception and abortion violate divine law and constitute mortal sins. Islam has a nuanced position on abortion and contraception.
“Perhaps the worst aspects of all of this is that, while he causes more damage to Christianity than anyone but the Devil, Biden pretends to be a good Christian by making other Christians pay for his repulsive programs through their taxes,” Clowes told The Washington Stand.
The Biden administration boasts of its leading role in promoting these practices in the name of sexual and reproductive health, highlighting, “The United States remains the largest bilateral donor to global family planning.” In the 2023 fiscal year, the Biden administration spent $607.5 million in taxpayer funding on global “family planning and reproductive health programs,” including $32.5 million on the controversial United Nations Population Fund, which was long complicit in China’s one-child policy.
International “family planning” programs, which date back to the Nixon administration, have become so ingrained that the abortion industry cashes in on them during pro-abortion and pro-life administrations alike. Even in the pro-life Trump administration, International Planned Parenthood Foundation and Marie Stopes International (MSI Reproductive Choices) received $3.38 million from USAID between 2019 and 2021, according to a Government Accountability Office report requested by Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and other pro-life members of Congress.
The June 14 family planning statement also boasts of the Biden administration’s efforts to “help end female genital mutilation.” At the same time, the Biden administration has sued states attempting to protect underage girls from transgender “bottom surgery.”
Originally published by The Washington Stand