The Mueller report was finally released this week and it’s good news for President Donald Trump and all Americans who believe in the sanctity of our elections.

But it’s bad news for those, some in the media, who want to believe the president is a treasonous crook.

The released and lightly redacted report by the special counsel found that Russians did try to manipulate the 2016 election, but that the president and the Trump campaign had nothing to do with it.

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As for allegations of obstruction of justice, Attorney General William Barr addressed them in a press conference.

“The report recounts 10 episodes involving the president and discusses potential legal theories for connecting those activities to the elements of an obstruction offense,” Barr said. “After carefully reviewing the facts and legal theories outlined in the report and in consultation with legal counsel and other lawyers, the deputy attorney general and I concluded that the evidence developed by the special counsel is not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction of justice offense.”

Some analysts and pundits had a particularly hard time with Barr’s press conference, accusing him of being in the president’s pocket, even questioning his character.

You can’t make it up. Pundits are analyzing the amount of times Barr said the word “collusion,” and others are calling the press conference a “political commercial.”

The bottom line is, the Mueller report should be the final act in the Russia collusion saga. After years of nonstop media coverage, it appears allegations against the president and his 2016 campaign were overblown.

You would think the response to the Mueller report would be relief, not disappointment.