On Thursday, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law, creating a firestorm in the Hoosier State. The legislation allows residents to freely practice their religious beliefs while opponents believe it will allow businesses to discriminate against gay and lesbian patrons.

>>> Read More: Mike Pence Signs Religious Freedom Bill

In recent days several organizations have threatened to boycott the state over passage of the bill. Some continue to question why supporters of religious freedom have remained “silent” over the issue.

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According to a recent commentary by Ryan Anderson and Sarah Torre, both of The Heritage Foundation, the law provides balance by setting a high bar for the government to meet when it comes to restricting religious freedom.

“A robust conception of religious liberty provides every person the freedom to seek the truth, form beliefs, and live according to the dictates of his or her conscience—whether at home, in worship, or at work,” according to Anderson and Torre.

>>> Commentary: Indiana Protects Religious Liberty. Why That’s Good Policy.

Washington, D.C., area pastor Jesse Johnson tells The Daily Signal that religious liberty is not bad, although he believes the subject is being characterized in a negative way.

“The irony of the religious freedom act in Indiana is that [the law] didn’t hold up religious freedom as an absolute—it says religious freedom is one thing that needs to be balanced with other compelling interests,” said Johnson.

“People say it makes it legal to discriminate against people, no it doesn’t,” Johnson added. “It doesn’t undercut any existing rights, it just means if the government wants to do something they have to demonstrate it’s the least restrictive means of doing it.”