The last continuously serving Vietnam War draftee, who remained on active duty for 42 years, has retired.
According to the Army Times, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Ralph Rigby served since he was drafted to fight in Vietnam at 19.
According to the Times, when Rigby was drafted, he joked about moving to Canada. His mother was appalled.
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“It’s mandatory to get old, but only optional to grow up,” says newly retired Ralph Rigby.
“We do not quit in this family,” she said.
“I took my mother’s words and kept on going,” Rigby told the Times. “After all, being drafted was the closest I have come to winning the lottery.”
After his training at Fort Dix, N.J., Rigby was sent to the Army’s engineer school at Fort Belvoir, Va.
Rigby never made it to Vietnam. He deployed to South Korea instead. According to the Times, “Rigby enjoyed his time in Korea so much that he extended his tour.”
“I love what I do,” Rigby told “Knowing that I am able to work with all the brigades while still getting the opportunity to mentor officers and junior enlisted soldiers.”
Rigby told that he doesn’t plan to “retire completely.”
“It’s mandatory to get old, but only optional to grow up,” said Rigby.
Rigby said that he plans to settle in Fayetteville, N.C.