2013 was a great year for The Foundry. Here are the top five posts that inspired you the most.

13TaxIncreases13 Tax Increases in 2013

New Year’s Day [2013] was tough for taxpayers. Thirteen tax increases kicked in. The deal that Congress and President Obama struck that finally—but only partially—avoided the fiscal cliff resulted in seven tax increases. Read more…

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healthcarewebsite240170Exclusive: HealthCare.gov Users Warn of Security Risk, Breach of Privacy

Justin Hadley logged on to HealthCare.gov to evaluate his insurance options after his health plan was canceled. What he discovered was an apparent security flaw. Read more…



harryreid240170Harry Reid and the Filibuster: They Got Away With It

Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate got away with changing the Senate’s rules so that they can shove through anything they want . Read more…


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BestBuy240170We Bet You Haven’t Heard This About Obamacare

Another push is underway to raise the minimum wage. But what you probably haven’t heard is that Obamacare has already done that. Read more…




SanDiego240170San Diego Man Criminally Charged for Pruning Plants

The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office filed felony vandalism charges against 46-year-old Ocean Beach, California, resident Juvencio Adame for “defacement, damage and destruction”. Read more…
