Yesterday, we asked you about the special veterans in your life — the ones you were honoring when you celebrated Veterans Day. We had no idea the overwhelming response we would get back! You tweeted and Facebooked us photos of your husbands, sisters, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, sons, and daughters. You told us the wars they served in and honored them with your words of praise. We wanted to do a little something to honor your veterans as well. We couldn’t use every photo that came our way, but we created these collages with some of those you chose to honor yesterday in your messages.
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Below are many of the tweets you sent us with messages about your veterans. We stand with you in honoring those who have served — and are still serving — to make this nation great and protect our freedom. Thank you, veterans.
@Heritage My grandfather, Lance Corporal Norman Makowski, USMC. — Jay Fifthmonth (@JayFifthmonth) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My grandfather Lt Albert Wells served in the S. Pacific in WWII- 93 years old I Thank god for men like him — Eli Wells (@USAPA2014) November 11, 2013
@Heritage my father, CMSgt Kenneth Austin Black, 34yrs, USAF — Dianne Black Garland (@truckmom388) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My Father served in WWII on U.S.S. Mayo as a torpedo-man.Later served in the Pacific in a PT boat Squadrn. — Ray W. Hinkle (@RayWHinkle) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My father serving in Vietnam 67′-68′ C 2/17 FA — Chris Elmlund (@ChrisElmlund) November 11, 2013
@Heritage: my dad, who served as Marine during Vietnam, and later retired an Army major. #VeteransDay — Hannah Brown (@hannahjobrown) November 11, 2013
@Heritage Dad served in North Africa and witnessed the #Rohne disaster. Where more died than at #PearlHarbor — Diane (@littlemom55) November 11, 2013
@Heritage Marine MSgt Smith – did 3 tours in Viet Nam, served from 1961 – 1983 — David Smith (@Smithdk4) November 11, 2013
My mother. Army nurse. D-Day invasion, Omaha Beach. @Heritage — Karen Woolam (@KWoolam) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My dad, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Bassett, a chaplain in the United States Army. — Caitlin Bassett (@CaitlinBassett7) November 11, 2013
@Heritage LTC Reginald Neal Active Duty Georgia National Guard…Awesome man — LJ Lisajan (@LLisajan) November 11, 2013
@Heritage my grandfathers, serving in Korea. Great men who loved their country! — Whitney Pendell (@whitneypendell) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My brother a true hero! — VETs #1 (@1_Jokker) November 11, 2013
@jaketapper uncle Joe Basile many years ago — kidney bean (@MRSlimabeansNO) November 12, 2013
@Heritage My hubby & brother-in-law, Captains Mark and Matthew Mayor (twins), deployed to Afghanistan. — Malori (@MaloriFuchs) November 11, 2013
@Heritage Thank you vetererans! including my dad, a Korean War Vet. — Steve Ahsmann (@SteveAhsmann) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My grandfather Raymond Bucher served in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theater during WW II. #VeteransDay — Stephen A Kovacsiss (@SKova) November 11, 2013
@Heritage Members of the 42nd Rainbow Division Co. L: Cannon, Shaw & Jerry Olver (my grandfather) WWII | #tcot #tlot — Matt Olver (@MattOlver) November 11, 2013
@Heritage My sons who are serving today, my dad – WWII, my father-in-law – Korean War — Donna Anderson (@DonnaAnderson) November 12, 2013
“@Heritage: Who do you honor today & why? //My 90 y/I Mom, USN Vet. Currently in Thomas Hospital, Fairhope, ALabama — Nancy Eckerd (@nancyeckerd) November 11, 2013
@Heritage This was of my Papa, Steve Bewley & Mema when he returned from ovetseas in WWII. The greatest generation! — Shane Bewley (@rhinocop49) November 11, 2013