Credit: Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Newscom

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Credit: Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Newscom

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decisions on marriage, the movement to uphold America’s core principles heads to the states, where many challenges to state laws and local communities’ religious liberties will surely open up in coming months.

How can citizens strategize and get the tools to effectively make the case for life, marriage, and religious liberty? Are conservative groups working together? Find the answers at the 2013 Values Voter Summit.

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On October 11–13, the Values Voter Summit will bring together thousands of Americans to discuss vital issues impacting our freedoms, families, national security, and values. This year’s theme, “Standing for Faith, Family and Opportunity for All,” celebrates how following America’s founding principles provides all Americans more freedom and better lives.

Leading voices in public policy and culture will address the summit, notably Senator Ted Cruz (R–TX), former Governor Mike Huckabee (R–AR), Representative Steve King (R–IA), columnist Star Parker, Senator Rand Paul (R–KY), Todd Starnes of Fox News, Live Action president Lila Rose, former Senator Rick Santorum (R–PA), and many more. See the latest confirmed speakers and register now.

Heritage president Jim DeMint will deliver a keynote address to the leaders gathered, expected to be broadcast live on C-SPAN. His talk will touch on the importance of marriage and upward mobility, themes further developed in breakout sessions featuring Heritage experts.

In “Responding to the Tough Questions on Marriage, Religious Liberty, and More,” Heritage’s Jennifer Marshall, along with Adèle Keim of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, will tackle tough questions conservatives often hear, such as “Isn’t it pro-family to expand who can get married?” and “Do conservatives care about the poor?”

Heritage will also host “How America Provides Opportunity for All: Stories and Solutions” to explore the truth of upward mobility in America. Matthew Spalding, author of We Still Hold These Truths, and Bishop Shirley Holloway, founder of House of Help/City of Hope, will reveal how government redistribution runs counter to our Founders’ wisdom and what the real solutions are to breaking the cycle of poverty. Get more details on breakout sessions.

Students are also a vital part of this year’s event. They will have exclusive opportunities to interact with speakers, including a Friday night mixer.

In a casual interactive setting, Ryan Anderson of Heritage—famed for his CNN face-off with Piers Morgan—and the Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg will help young adults develop intellectually honest answers to what friends are asking on sexuality, relationships, and why marriage matters.

Between sessions, all attendees can receive complimentary materials and speak directly with dozens of conservative groups, including Christians United for Israel, Liberty Counsel, Students for Life, the Leadership Institute, and Let Freedom Ring. At the Heritage booth, a fully revised edition of What You Need to Know about Marriage will premiere. And there’s much more.

Be sure not to miss out on Values Voter Summit 2013—October 11–13 in Washington, D.C. For more information and to register today, go to

Haley Bookout is currently a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation. For more information on interning at Heritage, please click here.