On “Your World with Neil Cavuto” this afternoon, Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint talked about the Gang of Eight immigration bill and the cost of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

DeMint called the plan a repeat of the failed 2007 comprehensive bill. “We shouldn’t do amnesty first because we cannot trust Congress to secure our borders and create a workable immigration plan,” he warned.

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He added:

It makes no sense to say we’re going to give everyone legal status and get around to fixing the immigration system later. It’s very costly, and there are a lot of other dangers related to our current immigration system we need to fix. But holding that hostage, the legal status, is just a political ploy and we should not fall for it.

Watch the clip to hear more about why DeMint sees the new immigration bill as “a significant cost at a time when our debt and deficit is taking us over the cliff.”

immigration reform