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- The power of civil society – Ed Feulner, The Washington Times
- New State Laws Could Impact 2012 Vote – Sam Favate, Wall Street Journal
- The Best Countries for Business – Kurt Badenhausen, Forbes
- Former attorney general visits Hall residents – Ashley Fielding, Gainesville Times
- Democrats Tax the Poor With the “Durbin Fee” – John Hayward, Human Events
- Leon Panetta in Israel: Will his urgent messages bring action? – Howard LaFranchi, The Christian Science Monitor
- New iPhone expected from Apple on Tuesday – Rachel Metz, Associated Press
- Congressman lambastes Chinese cyber-espionage – Ellen Nakashima and Jason Ukman, The Washington Post
- China warns of trade war if U.S. bill passes – David Stanway and Aileen Wang, Reuters
- Issa: USPS must shave labor costs – Bernie Becker, The Hill
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