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  1. The Year of School Choice – Ed Feulner, The Washington Times
  2. Beware: New Obamanomics Plan Ahead – Brian Darling, Human Events
  3. Health insurance mandates threaten everyone’s freedom – Chuck Donovan, Daily Caller
  4. More Regulation Is the Last Thing Economy Needs – Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg
  5. DOJ’s Expanding Power to Seize Assets Sparks Concerns – Nathan Koppel, Wall Street Journal
  6. Hugo Chavez Goes for the Gold – Ray Walser,
  7. America is forfeiting its place in space – James Carafano, Washington Examiner
  8. Dealing With Debt — and Stewardship – Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Catholic Register
  9. New national debt data: It’s growing about $3 million a minute, even during his vacation – Andrew Malcolm, Los Angeles Times
  10. The Entitlement Leviathan in Numbers – Daniel Horowitz, RedState

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