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  1. The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Employment Section – Hans A. von Spakovsky, Pajamas Media
  2. Energy States Lead in Job Creation, Financial States Struggle – Dennis Jacobe, Gallup
  3. Did health law bring economic doldrums? – James Sherk, McClatchy
  4. Ag. Secretary Says Food Stamp Program Is Stimulus – Stephanie Samuel, Christian Post
  5. Seattle’s ‘green jobs’ program a bust – Vanessa Ho, Post-Intelligencer
  6. No Child Left Behind by Executive Overreach – Lindsey Burke, National Review Online
  7. Steve King Plays Outsized Role in 2012 Race – Shira Toeplitz, Roll Call
  8. PolitiFact Spins – Alex Adrianson, InsiderOnline
  9. Following 60 Trips to City Hall for Permits, the First Legal Food Truck is Now Operating in Detroit – Mark J. Perry, Carpe Diem
  10. Woman’s yard sale to pay medical bills gets shut down – Emily Sinovic, KATU News

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