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  1. A Politicized Justice Department Strikes Again – Hans von Spakovsky, National Review Online
  2. Social Security lies on super committee’s chopping block – Dorothy Zhang, Daily Caller
  3. Obama ‘No Child’ Waiver Proposals Rile Conservatives – Mallie Jane Kim, U.S. News & World Report
  4. Poverty Debate Raises Tension Between Obama and Black Leaders – Steven Gray, Time
  5. Block grants designed for needy end up in wealthier communities – Maureen Groppe, Indianapolis Star
  6. After nearly $8 trillion for security, feel any safer? – Chris Hellman, CBS News
  7. China poised to launch its first space lab sooner than expected – Leonard David, Space Insider
  8. Allies Jump as Washington’s Free Trade Delay Continues – Mike Emanuel, FOX News
  9. Obama: I have it tougher than Abe Lincoln – Neil Munro, Daily Caller
  10. Mother fined $535 after daughter saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat – Lukas I. Alpert, New York Daily News

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