Analysis provided by Heritage Action for America.
House Analysis:
The House returns this week after a one week district work period to consider a variety of legislation. On Tuesday evening, the body will consider two pieces of legislation, the Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011 as well as the Home Affordable Modification Program Termination Act of 2011. On Wednesday, the House will consider the SOAR (Scholarships and Opportunities for Results) Act sponsored by Speaker of the House John Boehner which would reauthorize the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program. A vote is also expected that evening on the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011. Thursday, the House begins debate on the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 with a final vote on the measure expected on Friday. Throughout the week, the committee hearing schedule is packed with issues such as the 2012 budget, union transparency, gasoline prices, and the pending free trade agreements.
Major Floor Action
- HR 471 – Scholarships for Opportunities and Results Act (SOAR)
- HR 1079 – Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011
- HR 839 – Home Affordable Modification Program Termination Act of 2011
- HR 872 – Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011
- HR 658 – FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011
Major Committee Action
- The House Budget Committee will hold a hearing on the “Fiscal 2012 Budget” and their members’ views.
- The House Education & the Workforce Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions will hold a hearing on “The Future of Union Transparency and Accountability”.
- The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold a hearing on “The Costs of Implementing the Dodd-Frank Act: Budgetary and Economic”.
- The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a full committee hearing on “US Security Interests in Libya”.
- The House Natural Resources Committee will hold a full committee hearing on “Addressing Rising Gasoline Prices”.
- The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade will hold a hearing on the “Panama Trade Promotion Agreement”.
Senate Analysis
The Senate returns to Washington after a week long recess to resume consideration of the Small Business bill (a bill that aims to reauthorize the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs until Fiscal Year 2019). There are currently a total of 10 amendments pending to the bill, including an important amendment offered by Senator McConnell that prohibits EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions (amendment #183). It’s unclear how long it will take the Senate to dispose of these amendments and how many Senator Reid will allow votes on. Also, the latest short-term Continuing Resolution is set to expire on Friday, April 8.
Major Floor Action
- S. 493: SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2011
Major Committee Action
- The Senate Armed Services Committee will hold multiple hearings beginning on March 29 on the defense authorization bill
- A hearing on the future of the housing finance system will be held in the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee also on March 29.
- The Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee will discuss the state of Japan’s nuclear industry on March 29.
- On March 30, the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing titled “How Do Complexity, Uncertainty and Other Factors Impact Responses to Tax Incentives.”