This is the season for big ideas. Heritage has its Solutions for America. House Republicans have their Pledge to America. And Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) has outlined a bold agenda in a new book, “Restoring the Republic: A Clear, Concise, and Colorful Blueprint for America’s Future.”
Nunes, who represents an important agricultural district in the San Joaquin Valley, spoke at The Bloggers Briefing yesterday. The 36-year-old Californian is currently serving his fourth term in the House.
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“Restoring the Republic” doesn’t just point out the sad circumstances facing the nation, but also fleshes out some of the concrete policy proposals to restore American prosperity with real solutions.
In the book, Nunes describes what brought the nation to the depressing state it is in today. He places the blame on liberals from California who are out of touch with the rest of America. Nunes explains how the San Joaquin Valley, with its rich natural resources, suffers from high unemployment and a devastated economy because of liberal policies first experimented with in California that have now spread to the whole nation.
Focusing on energy, taxes and entitlements, Nunes points to two plans for dealing with these issues. He’s put forth his own Energy Roadmap that calls for drilling for oil, utilizing nuclear power, and funding alternative energy companies willing to put up their own money to invest in new technologies.
Nunes also credits Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), ranking member on the Budget Committee, for his Roadmap for America’s Future that deals with the sensitive and complicated issues of tax, entitlement and health care reforms.
After his presentation Tuesday, the congressman spoke about the impact of Tea Party activists on American politics — and how they are impacting policy debates in Washington.
“Thank God for the Tea Party activists,” he said. Nunes defended them as average Americans who are united by frustration with government. Nunes described them as a diverse group of people concerned about a range of different issues who have come together against one common thing: the centralization of power in Washington, D.C.