As we have been reporting, President Barack Obama is set to let tax rates increase at the end of this year. Obama’s tax hike will have devastating effects on an economy already on the ropes. There have been a lot of myths spread by the left about the supposed dangers of keeping taxes low and letting people keep more of their money, but the reality is that this is no time to raise taxes on all Americans. Along with the reinstatement of the death tax and the multitude of other taxes imposed by Obamacare, this tsunami of taxes will slow the economy even more, hitting America’s job creation engines—our small business owners—especially hard.

To highlight this looming threat, we’ve produced a short movie trailer spoof to highlight the danger these tax increases pose. Please take a minute to watch it and help us get this important message out by sharing the video with your friends and family.

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It’s imperative that Congress act to prevent this massive tax hike. Rather than blame the tax rate for our economic woes, Congress must recognize that their out-of-control spending is a much greater threat to any possible recovery.