House Cloakroom: April 12 – 16


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After a two week recess the House eases its way back into work with a light week full of suspension bills.  However, if the Senate is able to finish up its work extending provisions such as unemployment insurance, COBRA, and the Doc Fix those items could possibly, though not likely, be seen on the floor this week as well.  Additionally, the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stevens could possibly put many of the legislative priorities for Congress and the administration in flux over the next few months and into the summer.

Major Floor Action:

  • H.R. 4715 – Clean Estuaries Act of 2010
  • 20 different suspensions bills
  • Possible extension of Unemployment Insurance/COBRA/Doc Fix

Major Committee Action:

Senate Cloakroom: April 12 – 16


On Monday, the Senate returns from a two-week recess.  Floor action will be consumed by continued to debate on the extension of unemployment insurance and other benefits, which expired last week.  Off the floor, serious negotiations will continue on a financial overhaul bill and the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham global warming gambit.

Major Floor Action:

  • The Senate will vote whether to begin debate on H.R. 4851, the Continuing Extension Act of 2010.  Subsequent debate and votes could last the entire week.

Major Committee Action: