In the most recent installment of “In the Green Room,” Representative Buck McKeon (R-CA), the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee sat down with us before his major address yesterday at The Heritage Foundation to discuss national defense priorities.
His speech was titled “Building a Robust National Defense for the 21st Century: Countering a Decline in the Defense Department.” We discussed some of his points, including his response to the view among some that America is in decline. Rep. McKeon pushed back against that assessment stating:
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“I disagree. I think we hold our destiny in our hands. We can make the decision whether we move forward or whether we will follow a declining path as other great nations have. We have the ability to control the decision.
We need to be able to take a position throughout the world that we are going to stand up for those who desire freedom.”
Be sure to watch our other videos from In the Green Room.