For those of you in or near the Washington area,  Truth About Green will host the first-ever Green Tea Party tomorrow, Sept. 26,  from 1 to 4 p.m. in Lafayette Park in D.C.  

The national event will feature guest speakers discussing the cap and trade legislation before Congress as well as other important environmental issues. There will even be entertainment: country music artist John Luskey. The list of speakers includes:

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• Howard Brandston, Lighting Consultant and Designer.
• Paul Chesser and James Taylor, The Heartland Institute.
• Lindsay Janeway, aka CrabbyCon on Twitter.
• Andrew Langer, founder of the Institute for Liberty.
• Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, international documentarians and producers of the soon-to-be-released “Not Evil, Just Wrong,” a rebuttal film aimed at uncovering the falsehoods presented in Al Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
• Steve Milloy, author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them, and founder and publisher of, a website devoted to defending the truth of science.
• Marc Morano, editor of Climate Depot.
• Phil Parenti, Americans for Prosperity, Southern Maryland Chapter.
• Julie Walsh, Freedom Action.
• Charles Lollar, founder of New Day Maryland, will serve as emcee.

You can find more here and more about Truth About Green here.