To listen to some commentators these days you would think that stability is indeed our goal. Almost a steady state society, one in which things rarely if ever change. We should deliberately curb innovation for example, for this brings with it such unwanted disruption…
Debra, a single mother who works in health care administration, is one of millions of Americans who do their jobs, believe in paying their bills and are still facing the threat of losing their home…
In each of the last two weeks the IEA has hosted panel discussions in front of packed houses. Last week the topic was public sector pensions and this week it was the Third Heathrow Runway. Economics is not well regarded in today’s Conservative Party as a tool for approaching economic problems…
[Part one of our Election 2008 post-mortem, rejected the notion of a “secular American majority”. I agree with Dave Sage that culture drives politics; that America has been growing more secular; and that America desperately needs a new Great Awakening outside of politics…