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DRAIN THE SWAMP: Civil Rights Commission Would Be a Great Place to Start

Mauro Morales, the outgoing staff director of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, is seen here with his wife, Janet Murguia, who heads UnidosUS, at Voto Latino's "Our Voices" event on April 28, 2023, in Washington, D.C.

Mauro Morales, the outgoing staff director of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, is seen here with his wife, Janet Murguia, who heads UnidosUS, at Voto Latino's "Our Voices" event on April 28, 2023, in Washington. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Voto Latino)

Given vexing experiences in his first administration, once and future President Donald Trump is well aware of the resistance he will face from the Swamp, the vast horde of left-wing bureaucrats that inhabit the executive branch. 

They see it as their political duty to impede, resist, and sabotage every policy priority of a Republican president, especially Trump, and to implement left-wing policies.

With that in mind, the president-to-be has clearly been picking nominees to head executive branch agencies who will shake up that Swamp.

But Trump and his advisers need to understand that there are other, lower-level, non-Cabinet positions over which he has authority to make appointments and where it is also important that he find the same type of nominees.

He needs individuals willing to challenge the bureaucracy and turn around a ship of state that has been heading in the wrong direction for a long time. 

Those individuals who shouldn’t care what the editorial pages of The New York Times or The Washington Post say about them and, in fact, should realize that if those left-wing propaganda organs approve of their actions, then they are probably doing the wrong thing.

A prime example of that is the staff director of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who is appointed by the president with the concurrence of the commissioners under 42 U.S.C. §1975b.

The commission is an independent agency established in 1957 when we were in the midst of real civil rights fights. It has no executive power and can only hold hearings and issue reports and studies on civil rights issues. 

But it has a power that should not be underestimated; namely, the power to create storylines and narratives all stamped with the imprimatur of the commission. The commission even has subpoena power.

Just in the past few years, it has falsely opined that Trump’s Federal Emergency Management Agency made racist decisions in handing out hurricane relief and that the right to self-defense is racist.

Despite having some good commissioners appointed by Trump during his first term and Republican in Congress, it has long since outlived its usefulness and has turned into an agency that promotes every bizarre, unsupported claim of the far Left and publishes inaccurate, biased propaganda that masquerades as serious research.

Republicans currently hold four seats and liberals hold four.  Like many split bodies in Washington, the staffers take advantage of the even split.

And the staff are almost all uniformly left-wing. Thankfully, one of them—current staff Director Mauro Morales—is on the way out and needs to be replaced posthaste by Trump. In an example of the typical nepotism of Washington between the government and radical advocacy groups, Morales is married to Janet Murguia, the president of UnidosUS, formerly known as the National Council of La Raza.

You can see the mindset in the internal email that Morales sent on Jan. 3 to the eight commissioners who run the agency as well as the commission’s staff, announcing his resignation as of Jan. 17. Morales, who was appointed by President Barack Obama—and unfortunately, not replaced during the first Trump administration—bragged about bringing “national attention” to the “mistreatment of immigrant women and children; the unprecedented rise of hate crimes; the deaths of black Americans because of excessive police use of force; the maternal health of women of color; and the assault on voting rights by powerful forces seeking to suppress and intimidate voters.”

Not exactly the type of nonpartisan, objective, neutral individual you would want running a federal agency, but typical of the civil service ideologues I encountered in my years in the federal government.

The eight commissioners, four appointed by the president and four appointed by Congress, are supposed to run the agency.  But you wouldn’t know that from the reign of Morales, who ran the agency with dictatorial assurance, doing everything he could to block the Republican commissioners. 

Sources inside the commission tell me that:

The bottom line is this: Every political appointment that Trump and his Cabinet secretaries make inside every executive branch agency, board, and independent commission should be a hard-charging individual who believes in the Constitution, the rule of law, and principles of fairness, and in limiting the power and reach of the federal government so that it does not unduly interfere in our lives.

Mauro Morales leaves behind a federal agency with a large staff and outsized budget. Trump should replace him with someone who will undo the extensive damage that Morales has caused.

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