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More Defensive Gun Uses Undermine Government Claims About Armed Civilians

The Biden administration distrusts armed civilians, but these latest examples of defensive gun uses highlight the importance of self-defense in a free society. (Photo illustration: RichLegg/Getty Images

It should be painfully obvious to anyone paying attention that the Biden administration distrusts an armed civilian population and is willing to fudge the truth time and again to defend its untenable positions. But for those living blissfully unaware of the Biden administration’s animosity toward gun owners, it once again demonstrated its animosity in clear terms.

Earlier this month, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security accidentally said the quiet part out loud: It thinks that only the government really can be trusted with firearms, even when the government at issue is notoriously corrupt.

Fortunately, the bureau’s new export regulations—though problematic in many ways—don’t affect the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. They do, however, explicitly push a United Nations-backed talking point that wrongly blames lawfully armed civilians for criminal gun trafficking and insists that guns are safest when in the hands of government actors.

Even if we were to forget the atrocities committed during the 20th century against largely unarmed civilians at the hands of well-armed governments, this line of reasoning would still clash with natural law, which insists that all people have an intrinsic, unalienable right of self-defense.

The reality is that the government simply cannot be present at all times and in all places to protect us from criminal harm, nor should we want to live in a police state where the government has such terrifying power.

>>> Related: 4 Things to Know About Biden’s Latest Attack on Gun Ownership and Firearms Industry

Moreover, when given the option to possess the instruments necessary to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their communities from harm, armed Americans routinely show themselves quite capable of doing so in a responsible manner.

Almost every major study has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2021, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the issue concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.

For this reason, The Daily Signal publishes a monthly article highlighting some of the previous month’s many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed—or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. (Read other accounts here from past years.)

The examples below represent only a small portion of the news stories on defensive gun use that we found in April. You may explore more using The Heritage Foundation’s interactive Defensive Gun Use Database. (Heritage founded The Daily Signal in 2014.)

The Biden administration may think that ordinary civilians are less capable of responsible gun ownership than government actors, but as these defensive gun uses demonstrate, ordinary civilians have every reason to push back on such unfounded claims.

Time and again, armed civilians like the ones highlighted here underscore why the right to keep and bear arms is so critical to a free society. Even in countries that, unlike the United States, fail to protect such a critical individual right, ordinary civilians retain an unalienable natural right to self-defense.

We should correct false notions that armed civilians are inherently bad and government monopolies on the instruments of lethal force are good—and not bite hook, line, and sinker into authoritarian notions of international gun control.

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