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Trump Warns of Migrant ‘Caravans’ Heading for US, Criticizes ‘Weak’ Immigration Laws

President Donald Trump tours the border wall prototypes near San Diego County, California. (Photo: K.C. Alfred/ZUMA Press/Newscom)

President Donald Trump urged Congress late Monday to change immigration laws in order to make it easier for law enforcement officials to deport illegal immigrants.

“As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws of our country do not easily allow us to send those crossing our Southern Border back where they came from. A whole big wasted procedure must take place. Mexico & Canada have tough immigration laws, whereas ours are an Obama joke. ACT CONGRESS,” the president tweeted Monday evening.

Trump also asked Congress to provide funding for a wall along large portions of the southern U.S.-Mexico border.

“Honduras, Mexico and many other countries that the U.S. is very generous to, sends many of their people to our country through our WEAK IMMIGRATION POLICIES. Caravans are heading here. Must pass tough laws and build the WALL. Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime,” Trump continued.

The White House asked for roughly $25 billion in early February for the construction of a border wall along some 700 miles of the southern U.S.-Mexico border. Border wall funding is one of the president’s primary demands of any immigration bill. He has the backing of some of the hard-line immigration hawks in the House and Senate.

The Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is effectively “dead,” the president also said Monday, and blamed Democrats for railing to secure a deal with Republicans in Congress.

The White House offered congressional Democrats a legal pathway to citizenship for roughly 1.8 million young illegal immigrants known as “Dreamers.”

House and Senate Republicans were willing to grant legal protections for the 620,000-800,000 Dreamers but did not want to give away to chain migration demands—allowing members of an illegal immigrant’s family a pathway to citizenship or preferential immigration status.

Democrats reportedly offered the administration $25 billion but balked after the administration asked for additional safeguards and cuts to legal and illegal immigration.

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