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How Conservatives Reacted to Obama’s #KeystoneXL Announcement

President Barack Obama, joined by Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, announced Friday at the White House that he will not authorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. (Photo: Michael Reynolds/EPA/Newscom)

President Barack Obama announced that his administration will not authorize construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline during remarks at the White House on Friday.

“This morning, Secretary Kerry informed me that, after extensive public outreach and consultation with other Cabinet agencies, the State Department has decided that the Keystone XL Pipeline would not serve the national interest of the United States. I agree with that decision,” the president said.

The pipeline would have carried oil from Canada to Nebraska before meeting with existing pipelines that would bring it to its final destination, oil refineries along the Gulf Coast. Conservatives have long argued that the pipeline is a safer method of transportation for oil than the existing methods, and that it would have fostered job growth.

Here’s how conservatives reacted to the president’s announcement on Twitter:

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