New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says the Export-Import Bank should be finally laid to rest.
“I believe it’s time for it to go,” Christie explained to The Daily Signal at the recent RedState Gathering in Atlanta.
“My view is that it is the type of corporate welfare and subsidies that we can’t afford and that we’re better off spending that money and those resources in cutting taxes, in providing more opportunity, more investment in resource and development and the National Institutes of Health, building our military back up, and I don’t think the expenditure on the Export-Import Bank is something that is indispensable to economic growth or opportunity in our country, so I’d move on to something else.”
The bank’s charter expired at the end of June. The Senate tried to reauthorize the bank by attaching it to a long-term highway funding bill, but the House didn’t pass it. Instead, there’s now talk that supporters of the Export-Import Bank will try to revive it by attaching its reauthorization to another must-pass congressional bill.