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Chris Christie Calls for Sanctuary Cities to Lose Federal Funding: ‘The Law Is the Law’

Gov. Chris Christie spoke in Cedar Falls, Iowa Friday evening and criticized the Obama administration's deal with Iran: “Here’s the bad news. The Iranians are not dumb. They are going to cheat on this agreement.” (Photo: Justin Wan/REUTERS/Newscom)

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa— Speaking at a sports bar in a college town here, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called for funding to be taken away from cities that do not enforce federal immigration laws.

“The laws on the books need to be enforced,” said Christie, who is seeking the Republican nomination for president.

“People selectively decide to enforce the law. That’s how we wound up with the murder we had in San Francisco. You can’t just pick and choose the laws you want to enforce. The law is the law.”

Christie was referring to the recent death of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle, who was murdered allegedly at the hands of a man who has been convicted of seven felonies and deported from the U.S. five times.

Christie criticized the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, calling it “awful.”

“All of the things contained in this agreement are a loss for the United States.”

He urged Congress to say no to the deal.

In outlining his 12-point plan on entitlements, Christie said he is not okay with 71 percent of the federal budget being spent on entitlements and debt service.

“Here’s the problem. Even with all that spending we’re doing, our major entitlement programs are heading towards insolvency,” Christie said.

He talked through two points of his plan. He said the retirement age needs to be raised by two years and social security and Medicare need to be fixed.

In the question and answer session of his appearance here, Christie said he supports defunding Planned Parenthood.

“I am the first pro-life governor ever elected in the history of the state of New Jersey.”

Christie also called for an “equal opportunity for every kid” in education. He suggested longer school days and a longer school year.

Another issue he cleared up with the crowd: his views on climate change.

“I believe in climate change. And human beings contribute to it.”

Christie feels a market-based approach needs to be taken to address the issue. He does not feel that the issue can be dealt with by raising taxes on utility bills.

Talking more broadly about illegal immigration, Christie said he does not support building a wall across the entire southern border of the U.S. He said certain areas should have a wall, but only where it is “effective and needed.”

“We need the national government to establish and maintain our national borders.”

He said drones and cameras should be used to monitor the border. He sees value in E-verify for employers to ensure employees are legal citizens.

“We want people to come to America legally.”

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