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Colbert to Obama: ‘Why Did You Burn the Constitution and Become an Emperor?’

Last night, President Barack Obama appeared on the Colbert Report for an interview with Stephen Colbert.

They discussed several topics, such as the midterm elections, the jobs report and the Keystone pipeline.

On the online “Extended Interview,” Colbert asked a pointed question alluding to Obama’s use of executive power.

Colbert asked the president, “You realize you’re an emperor now; it has been declared. You are Barackus Maximus I. Why did you burn the Constitution and become an emperor?”

“You know, actually, Stephen, everything that we have done is scrupulously within the law, and has been done by previous Democratic and Republican presidents,” said Obama.

The president continued:

We can’t deport 11 million folks who are here, the vast majority of whom are good people who are just trying to get ahead and trying to make sure their families can get ahead. So instead of devoting a whole lot of resources on separating families, grabbing some mom who’s working at a hotel or some dad who’s working in a kitchen somewhere, and separating them out, let’s focus on deporting felons.

The president also reiterated his statement that if Congress doesn’t like his legislation, they should “pass a bill.”

More clips from Obama’s appearance:

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