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L.A. Wants to Spend $10 Million to Help Cougars Mate

It’s no secret Los Angeles is full of cougars on the prowl. But making news today is one specific four-legged cougar — a mountain lion scientists call “P12” who could soon be worth $10 million.

New P12 offspring live in the Santa Monica Mountains thanks to P12’s successful crossing of the freeway that separates the San Fernando Valley from the Santa Monica Mountains. According to the Wall Street Journal, P12 is one of only two adult male lions known to be in the area, and animal preservationists want to help him out with his own special overpass. The Journal reports:

State officials and interest groups are looking for funding to give the cougars their own freeway overpass—which would be the first of its kind in California, and one of the biggest animal-friendly bypasses ever constructed. The $10 million structure would safely funnel the mountain lions from one side of the 101 to the other, where they could mix and mingle with new—and unrelated—mates.


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