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Christmas Gift Ideas From 8 Pinterest Users We Love

Looking for a Christmas gift for the conservative in your life? How about patriotic high heels or an America-shaped cutting board?

This year, Heritage collected Christmas gift ideas on Pinterest with help from some of our fellow conservative pinners. Their suggestions included caps supporting the military and bipartisan wine (you’ll have to check it out for yourself).

We are sending a box of Christmas cheer to eight of the people who sent in some of the best suggestions we used on our idea board, which you can browse here. We wanted to throw a spotlight on these eight particular Pinterest users after we got to know them a little better through our Christmas collaboration. They have plenty of other good ideas on their own Pinterest boards, too.

Read about and follow them all, below, and don’t forget to follow Heritage on Pinterest, too, @Heritagepins.

These ladies love pinning about conservative ideas — but they also have a host of other interests. Check them out.

If you want to learn more about gardening, follow Lori @scgardenlady. Her boards will point you to all the right tools, and her canning pins will help you put that produce to good use. Lori is also a fan of making seasonal wreaths and other crafts, like weaving.

Shari has boards for coffee, coconut, and apples. Follow her @saparrow if you like any or all three. She seems drawn to crafts involving buttons, and we notice she also enjoys gifts that come in jars, so she might want to check out our next Pinterest friend…

Liz’s Pinterest catalogs her interest in knitting and crochet along with her love of “Star Wars.” We notice she also pins a lot of ideas for Mason jar cookie mixes. Maybe by the time you follow her, @lizspricht, she’ll have a board just for them.

Cheryl loves all things vintage, though she makes an exception for “Downton Abbey.” Cheryl also owns her own donut maker, and her family clearly takes donuts seriously because she has a board full of homemade donut recipes. Follow her @_cheryl_m.

Crazy about Mod Podge? You should follow Meryl @meryldrew. She enjoys all kind of paper crafts and also pins some fun ideas for reusing empty wine bottles, corks, and beer caps.

Kim curates a great board related to Sherlock Holmes, and also has some fun with Lord of the Rings pins. We notice she also has an eye for decorating with chalkboards and chalkboard paint. Follow her @kdwickstrom.

Kerry might want to connect with Lori, since she pins canning ideas, too. Kerry, who pins @kerrycastellani, is a nurse, an Army mom, and also gardens. She has a board for Amish ideas and knitting, too.

And if you, like many other Pinterest users, love inspirational quotes, Sulieti, @Sulieti, has a couple of great boards for you, with examples from Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Mae West, and many other people who have a way with words.

Keep pinning, and Merry Christmas!

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