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Governor Challenges Status Quo, Brings Reforms to North Carolina

Credit: Hal Goodtree via Wikipedia

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North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory visited Heritage this week to discuss the dynamic reforms he’s spearheaded since taking office 10 months ago. He spoke to us about confronting the good ol’ boys network in the Tar Heel State and how conservatives can win in the future.

McCrory, a former mayor of Charlotte, won election last November on the promise of a “Carolina Comeback” that focused creating jobs and improving the economy. His victory gave Republicans control of both the executive and legislature for the first time since 1870.

Among the reforms already enacted in North Carolina: lowering the income and corporate tax rates, updating the transportation funding formula, and changing the civil-service system.

“We knew we had to step on the toes of the status quo — of both Republicans and Democrats, but mainly Democrats who’ve been in charge for such a long time,” McCrory said. “We needed very strong reform.”

McCrory said the secret to his success is coming up with solutions that work. So what’s his advice for Washington politicians?

“Lead. Don’t worry about the surveys,” he said. “And be ready to step on some toes. That’s what I’ve had to do in North Carolina.”

The interview runs about 4 minutes. It was produced by Steve Weyrich.

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