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American Betrayal: How Enemies Within Harm the U.S.


The topic of a recent Heritage event on American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, by noted author and columnist Diana West, was nothing less than a startling rewriting of American history since the 1930s.

West’s book and her compelling presentation—which can be viewed on—deserve a wide audience and debate.

West argues that the accepted narratives of World War II and the Cold War often depart profoundly from actual reality. Inconvenient truths about the threat of Communism were ignored by the nation’s leaders and written out of history, basically until the arrival of President Ronald Reagan. West then finds a parallel in the struggle with violent extreme Islam today. She believes we are blinding ourselves to the real threats from Sharia law and ideological Islam, about which she has also written extensively.

The boldness of West’s arguments will make historians sit up and take notice. She believes that Soviet infiltration of the American political system was so extensive that it not only opened our national secrets to the Soviets but also influenced the entire political process and the course of history.

Some examples:

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 only gave us a partial victory in the Cold War. To date, American university campuses remain territory occupied by the followers of Karl Marx, whose ideas continue to undermine the character of this nation. This leads to multiculturalism, political correctness—even the fear of offending (or just naming) the Islamist terrorists who threaten this country today.

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