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School Choice Means Equal Opportunity

Photo credit: Newscom

Education reform is critical for all Americans, but it has a particular importance and potent potential impact on America’s fastest growing demographic.

Nearly 50 percent of Hispanic students fail to graduate with their class, which shows the vulnerability of many Latino youth trapped in poorly performing schools.

But one state, Indiana, has implemented education reforms that place control of education in the hands of parents and the relationship of these reforms to Latino communities. Danny Lopez, the Indiana Commissioner for Hispanic and Latino Affairs, joins us on Heritage Libertad Radio for a special podcast to talk more about these reforms.

Indiana has recently created an expansive private-school choice program that is now leading the nation with more than 9,324 students enrolled statewide. And nationwide, the momentum for school choice is growing. Today, 21 states and Washington, D.C., offer some form of private-school choice, putting students first and helping them succeed. For example, students in the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school choice program for children from low-income families, graduate at significantly higher rates than their peers from similar backgrounds.

In the wake of recent challenges to educational choice in Louisiana, Governor Bobby Jindal explained the results of educational choice saying:

To oppose school choice is to put the wishes of the adults who control the status quo ahead of the needs of our children. To oppose school choice is to oppose equal opportunity.

Educational choice empowers parents to give their children the best education possible. It should be no surprise that Hispanics are supportive of increasing choice in education.

Be sure to check out this special edition of the Heritage Libertad podcast where we discuss these crucial reforms and their impact on Hispanics. To learn more about Heritage Libertad, visit

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