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Top 10 Reads: August 5, 2011

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  1. House forces pro-forma sessions to avoid recess appointments – Pete Kasperowicz
  2. The dead remain on Wisconsin voter list – M.D. Kittle
  3. Twitter’s ‘Who to Follow’ List Overwhelmingly Promotes Liberal Pundits, Media Outlets – Aubrey Vaughan
  4. Another View: Drastic solutions needed for permanent debt fix – William Beach
  5. U.N. subsidies: Get the ax – Tribune-Review
  6. An unintended consequence of the debt deal? Obamacare cuts could come – Tina Korbe
  7. What’s Ailing Wall Street? You’ve Known for Years… – Tyler Laundon
  8. Contractors ‘quaking in their boots’ over security cuts – Jill R. Aitoro
  9. Iowa set to become center of political universe – Lynn Campbell & Hannah Hess
  10. Inside Obama’s 50th-birthday party – Jennifer Epstein


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