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Millennials, Citing National Debt, Fear for America’s Future

President Obama neglected to mention Millennials in his address to the nation Monday night. Ironic, since they are burdened with the responsibility of paying America’s debt. But that should come as no surprise. Young Americans are often overlooked in the political world.

However, 18 to 29-year-olds have serious concerns about the future of our nation. A recent Generation Opportunity and the polling company, inc./WomanTrend study found, in priority order, young Americans believe that the national debt, increased dependency on foreign sources of energy, and America’s indebtedness to foreign powers have made America more vulnerable.

The majority (62%) of Milliennials view the national debt as the top threat to national security. Our debt does in fact threaten national security. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen agrees that the debt remains the “single biggest threat to our national security.” With the country’s ever-increasing national security requirements, the military is more challenged than ever. Given the intensity of the fiscal crisis, Mullen has said that it is important to focus on leadership in the military and “take a strategic view before we take out the meat axe and the scalpel” to deal with the limited resources.

If nations like China, who own large amounts of our debt, sell off our debt they will wield enormous amounts of power over America. It is no surprise the Generation Opportunity poll found that 76% of young adults view China as a danger: 48% as an economic threat and 28% as both an economic and military threat. Due to our fiscal mismanagement, more than half of Millennials are not confident the United States will be a world power in 10 years.

An astounding 79% of Millenials would like to see federal spending decreased and 69% prefer reducing federal spending over raising taxes on individuals in order to balance the federal budget. The majority also believe the economy grows best when individuals are allowed to create businesses without government interference.

The Debt-Paying Generation is sending clear messages to politicians.

“These young Americans,” said Paul Conway, president of Generation Opportunity, “have witnessed first-hand how the poor economy and the lack of economic opportunity have negatively impacted their own lives, they think Washington is out of touch with their concerns and they know the status quo and continued failure to lead jeopardizes both our present national security and our future status as a global leader.”

Tonight in Cincinnati, Heritage continues is series of Debt-Paying Generation events with a presentation of “Slay the Beast.” Learn how you can save us from the looming debt crisis.

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