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Tales of the Red Tape #8: How Many Hazmat Suits Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Lest anyone tell you that the phase-out of (non-toxic) incandescent light bulbs will be hassle-free (other than hugely expensive), here is the directive from the Environmental Protection Agency for ridding your home of toxic vapor in the event you or a loved one (or relative) breaks the mercury-laden compact fluorescent (CFL) pushed by the government as superior:

To avoid breaking a bulb, follow these general practices:

There’s a much simpler remedy, of course: Repeal the phase-out of Thomas Edison’s gift to mankind.

Want to read more Tales of the Red Tape? Check out these stories below:

#1: We See Dead People

#2: The EPA Is Fueling Nonsense

#3: Don’t Touch That Dial!

#4: The Unwitting Peddlers of Toxic Tomes

#5: Calorie Counts Forced Down Our Throats

#6: Equine Equality Under the ADA

#7: Energy Department Plumbing for More Regulatory Powers

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