For pols addicted to polls, Gallup recently released an analysis titled “Americans remain broadly supportive of unions.” Failing to read beyond this headline of the polling outfit’s publication, though, could mislead some into believing Big Labor has bigger backing than it actually does…
The auto bailout being fashioned by liberal lawmakers with Bush’s apparent acquiescence contains no meaningful limits on the bloated union contracts that have helped make American automakers uncompetitive by giving autoworkers compensation that exceeds $70 per hour…
New York Gov. Patterson is looking for new revenue sources, some of which are moves in the direction of what a better tax policy would be. But as is usual from politicians, he is looking at selective sources to raise revenues, including a tax on non-diet soft drinks…
In the debate over what to do about carbon emissions (and for today, let’s start from the position that we are indeed going to do something) the general view has been that cap and trade is better than carbon taxation. Precisely because we can trade we can make the least cost reductions…