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Tankoshpere Today: Sept. 2, 2008

With Hurricane Gustav bearing down on New Orleans, the entire tenor of the 2008 Republican Convention has changed. Already dedicated to “service,” the focus of convention activities is now on how attendees, and all Americans, can assist in easing the fallout of the storm…

Sorry about that! That’s the British government’s reaction to the two-year delay in approving a drug that combats blindness. Too expensive, dear chap … anyway, keeping your sight is so 20th century!…

The WHO last week released its long-awaited report on the “Social Determinants of Health” – the social and economic factors behind disease. As the report lands in the in-trays of ministers all over the world, they would do best to file it under ‘B’ for ‘bonkers’…

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has published an opinion column titled We have an efficient, clean energy alternative. Here is a sample excerpt of a column that is really worth reading in its entirety…

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