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These Are The ‘Geniuses’ We Want Protecting Our Border?

Today’s David Brooks column details where the left’s campaign cash is coming from including “Goldman Sachs geniuses” “employees of the University of California” and “professionals, like lawyers and media types.” Brooks explains: “Over the past several years, the highly educated coastal rich have been engaged in a little culture war with the inland corporate rich. This is a war over values, leadership styles and social networks.”

And what type of policies do the left’s “values” and “leadership styles” produce? Look no further than San Francisco where city officials have refused to cooperate with federal immigration authorities since San Francisco declared itself a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants in 1989. The San Francisco Chronicle reports today:

Until recently, San Francisco flew juvenile illegal immigrants convicted of drug crimes to their home countries rather than cooperate with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, a practice that drew national attention when The Chronicle reported it Sunday.

When federal law enforcement authorities demanded that San Francisco halt the flights and began a criminal investigation, the city decided to house some of the dealers in long-term youth rehabilitation centers. Some of those centers are run by a nonprofitcompany called Silverlake Youth Services in mountain towns southeast of San Bernardino.

Eight Honduran juveniles who had been convicted of dealing drugs in San Francisco were sent within the past few weeks to the company’s group homes, where one month’s placement costs $7,000 per youth – an expense borne by San Francisco taxpayers.

Within 10 days of being sent to the unlocked group homes, however, all eight youths ran away, said Bill Siffermann, head of juvenile probation in San Francisco.

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